
If it looks ridiculous or sounds ridiculous … it probably is!
Apparently we are only ever a matter of a few feet away from a rat! This is the four legged variety we are talking about; the one that most people feel adverse to with their long and slimy-looking tail. Even though the rat is amongst those species that could be …
Nobody should be surprised at the ruling of the UK Supreme Court that found Boris Johnson’s Prorogation of Parliament to be illegal. For those who are surprised then they have not been keeping abreast of political and constitutional developments over the past few decades. The first thing to remember is …
It is quite understandable how upsetting it is for a pet owner when their dog or cat goes missing. So following government legislation, it was decreed that a microchip would be the most effective way to reunite lost pets with their owners. So as a result of the legislation, all …
The entire purpose of a leader, in this case a potential leader of the country who we normally refer to as the Prime Minister, is to provide leadership. Their vision is supposed to inspire us to follow them. Being a democratic country though, if we find a leader unconvincing or …
Apparently we are only ever a matter of a few feet away from a rat! This is the four legged variety we are talking about; the one that most people feel adverse to with their long and slimy-looking tail. Even though the rat is amongst those species that could be …
Nobody should be surprised at the ruling of the UK Supreme Court that found Boris Johnson’s Prorogation of Parliament to be illegal. For those who are surprised then they have not been keeping abreast of political and constitutional developments over the past few decades. The first thing to remember is …
It is quite understandable how upsetting it is for a pet owner when their dog or cat goes missing. So following government legislation, it was decreed that a microchip would be the most effective way to reunite lost pets with their owners. So as a result of the legislation, all …
The entire purpose of a leader, in this case a potential leader of the country who we normally refer to as the Prime Minister, is to provide leadership. Their vision is supposed to inspire us to follow them. Being a democratic country though, if we find a leader unconvincing or …
Apparently we are only ever a matter of a few feet away from a rat! This is the four legged variety we are talking about; the one that most people feel adverse to with their long and slimy-looking tail. Even though the rat is amongst those species that could be …
Nobody should be surprised at the ruling of the UK Supreme Court that found Boris Johnson’s Prorogation of Parliament to be illegal. For those who are surprised then they have not been keeping abreast of political and constitutional developments over the past few decades. The first thing to remember is …